Russia threatened to downgrade relations with Canada if its assets were confiscated 0Russia threatened to downgrade relations with Canada if its assets were confiscated 0

(Dan Tri) – The Russian Ambassador warned that it cannot be ruled out that diplomatic relations with Canada could be downgraded after Ottawa confiscated Moscow’s assets.

Russian Ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov (Photo: Sputnik).

`I don’t want to predict from now on what steps the Canadian side will take. We have outlined retaliatory measures for any situation. Western countries, including Canada, should think carefully about

Ambassador Stepanov said that it cannot be ruled out that diplomatic relations with Ottawa could be downgraded after Canada confiscated Russian assets, according to Tass news agency.

`Regarding the nature and level of future diplomatic relations, nothing can be ruled out. All options are on the table, but in this context, we will consider our stance and

Previously, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned on April 25 that Russia could respond economically and politically if the US and the West confiscated Russian assets.

`Of course, lowering the level of diplomatic relations is one of the options. Many high-ranking representatives of our government have made proposals for economic, financial response measures against the West

The Russian diplomat added: `We are considering appropriate countermeasures against the assets of Western opponents as well as diplomatic countermeasures.`

He did not specify what lowering the level of diplomatic relations might lead to.

The US and its allies have frozen about $300 billion in Russian central bank assets as part of sanctions over Moscow’s launch of a special military operation in Ukraine.

Washington has long advocated confiscating Russian assets to assist Ukraine in dealing with Russia and rebuilding the country.

This bill allows the US President to confiscate Russian assets held in US banks and transfer them to Ukraine.

US Senator Rand Paul, who is skeptical of the proposal, warned earlier this year that the move would be `an act of economic warfare`.

Officials in several Western countries, notably the United States and Britain, have insisted on a complete seizure of Russian assets despite concerns that this would face legal challenges.

Meanwhile, the European Union is reluctant to do so out of fear of Russian retaliation.

The Kremlin warned that Moscow already has a list of US and European assets to confiscate in case the West decides to confiscate Russian assets.

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By Eliana

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