Elon Musk warns of a `nuclear apocalypse` scenario if NATO admits Ukraine 0Elon Musk warns of a `nuclear apocalypse` scenario if NATO admits Ukraine 0

(Dan Tri) – Billionaire Elon Musk believes that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s commitment to Ukraine becoming a member of NATO is like a scene from a movie about a nuclear apocalypse.

CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, billionaire Elon Musk (Photo: Fortune).

`This is really how the movie about the nuclear apocalypse begins,` CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, billionaire Elon Musk commented on social network X (formerly Twitter) on April 5.

He shared a video from the 1983 American television series `The Day After,` which depicts a fictional nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Previously, billionaire Musk spoke out about the risks to Ukraine and the world if the conflict escalated further.

He has urged Kiev to offer concessions to Moscow in exchange for a peace treaty.

Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, Mr. Musk has changed his stance several times.

He also called on Ukraine to give up its intention to regain Crimea, the peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014. He also asked Ukraine to declare neutrality, allowing the four provinces of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia to have referendums on annexation.

After the meeting of NATO foreign ministers held on April 3-4 in Brussels, Belgium, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that Ukraine would become a NATO member.

`Our purpose at the summit is to help build bridges to that membership and create a clear path for Ukraine to move forward,` Blinken emphasized.

At the joint press conference, his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba said: `Ukraine deserves to become a member of NATO and the admission takes place as soon as possible.`

Ukraine has long pursued the goal of becoming a member of the U.S.-led military coalition.

However, to date, NATO has not accepted Ukraine’s application to join.

If admitted, Ukraine will be guaranteed security according to Article 5 of NATO’s collective defense.

NATO currently has 32 member countries, of which newly admitted members are Finland and Sweden.

The New York Times reported on April 4 that the US and Germany do not currently support Ukraine’s admission to NATO.

According to the New York Times, officials in the US-led coalition fear that admitting Ukraine `will draw NATO into the largest land war in Europe since 1945`.

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