Ukrainian F-16 pilot launches US missile to destroy target in simulation 0Ukrainian F-16 pilot launches US missile to destroy target in simulation 0

(Dan Tri) – `In the sky, the Ukrainian F-16 carried American missiles under its wings. There was an order to fire, the bullets rushed away and destroyed the target,` Ukrainian pilots said about their success.

F-16 aircraft (Photo: Fineart).

The press agency of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine revealed that in one of the tactical air force brigades, the country’s pilots are practicing combat missions on the simulated flight training system of F-16 fighters.

The head of the simulation system maintenance team noted that Ukraine’s acquisition of this modern platform is a real `breakthrough`.

This expert recounts the difficulty in ensuring the operation of simulators for older aircraft: `I have been working on simulator trainers for aircraft such as the Su and MiG for more than

`No, we never gave up. They did everything possible – they repaired, modernized, updated software, attracted Ukrainian manufacturers… The oldest simulators

Ukrainian F-16 pilot launches US missile to destroy target in simulation

Flight training equipment simulating Ukrainian F-16 fighter (Photo: UP).

`But everything has its own time and resources. The majority of our flight simulators have long expired. Given the current situation, the Ukrainian Air Force is analyzing the technical possibilities to

`Soon the F-16s will be put into service in our brigades, so there is simply no other choice but to switch to using new simulators,` he asserted.

According to this officer, the realism of the feeling, gravity overload (G overload), a wide selection of maps, modes, scenarios, the ability to practice using a variety of weapons, simulation of actions

Of course, `a simulation program does not make a warrior on the battlefield` and this is just the beginning.

Ukrainian F-16 pilot launches US missile to destroy target in simulation

Flight training equipment simulating Ukrainian F-16 fighter (Photo: UP).

Previously, on May 10, the Czech Republic transferred the first F-16 fighter jet simulation system to one of the tactical air force brigades.

The Ukrainian Air Force explained that this is not a simulator but a complete flight simulator with a real F-16 cockpit.

Ukrainian F-16 pilot launches US missile to destroy target in simulation

Flight training equipment simulating Ukrainian F-16 fighter (Photo: UP).

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